Oct 31, 2014

Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 9:07:00 AM 0 komentar
Butuh lipstik yang bisa bertahan seharian buat acara rapat besar atau acara formal yang harus tampil tanpa cacat meskipun harus makan?

Buy this one! 

Butuh lipstik yang bisa buat sehat sehari2? dan dipake nyaman? 

Avoid this one!

Postingan gue kali ini mau gamau kudu pake basa indo. Karena gue tertarik banget ama produk satu ini.

Yes a one thing to go, stuff from Revlon.

Pertama kali nyoba ni produk, awalnya di sweep di bibir kayak lipstik biasa, berpelembab gitu.
Then beberapa detik kemudian, gue ngerasa kayak ada lem alteco di bibir gue. Jujur, agak ga nyaman. Tapi gue biarin, namanya juga udah niat make kan. 

Dan gue tergiur  sama iklannya yg bilang 12jam long lasting. Okeh, Ni produk menjanjikan. Dan emang konsisten,untuk kondisi minum dan makan dia ga menempel di sedotan , gelas or makanan. Untk kondisi ga makan dia stay long di bibir meski kamu ngobrol sampe kemana2.

Yaiyalah, makenya kayak pake lem alteco. Dia kuat banget di bibir. Rasanya kayak dry lips. Bibir kamu bakalan ngerasa kering makenya. Meski ga sampe kayak retak2. 

Tapi ini lipstik ga merusak bibir jd pecah2 kok. Hanya saja sensasinya yg bkin kayak alteco.

Gue pernah saking ngerasa keringnya bibir gue, gue make lipbalm sebelum pake ini produk.

Lalu gue juga pernah make lipstik ini dlu trus gue kasih lipgloss biar glossy and bibir ga kering.

Kedua cara ini menghasilkan hasil yg sama, warna dia di bibir jd pecah2. Warnanya ya, bukan bibirnya.

Jadi ga melted sempurna di bibir. 
Warnanya kocar kacir ga karuan dan kayak ada kertas di bibir berserakan.

Begitu pula kalo km makan yg berkuah, itu bekas lipstik kesisa di luar bibir. Pinggiran..

yg dalem udah abis. Kebalikan dr liptint lah. Kalo liptint warnanya ketinggalan di bibir dalem? kalo ini di luar.

Generally ini pics dari Revlon Ultimate Suede.

Kalo di bibir aku yg jelas pale ini begini dah

coba di tangan dulu warnanya kayak apa trus di bibir.

jelas kan? kayak pake lipstik ada lapisan mika. Itu ga glossy lho. Itu yg nanti akan mencar2 kalo kamu makan atau pake lipgloss.

Dari segi warna oke, aku pilih yg orange, karena dasarnya suka warna orange buat lipstik. Kelihatan lebih dinamis.

price nya all about 120k.

Color sih oke. Masuk ke semua warna kulit natural. Dan gue paling suka cewe kulit item pake lipstik orange. Keliatan lebih seksi jatuhnya.

Tapi kayak yg gue bilang, jangan make ini produk sehari2. Dry lips. Seriusan. For any special occasion aja.

Produk ini kalo di pake keliatan bagus di bibir. Bagus tapi ga nyaman. Sama kayak gue bilang, buat cantik itu susah, kadang cantik itu menderita. Semua orang pengen cantik, but makeup is easier to buy. :p

Saran gue jangan pernah campur produk ini dengan pelembab apapun, atau di kombinasi dg lipstik apapun. Dia ga mau nyatu dg lipstik lain. Sehingga warnanya bakal pecah2.

Yang gue suka di produk ini, ini produk yg gue cari kalo gue lagi pengen tampil maksimal di acara Gala atau rapat komite yg besar. Biasanya weekend. Atau di acara nikahan yg makan lo dikit. Karena kalo makan lo banyak jadi begini lipstiknya (berkuah, including)

Kayak prolog yg gue bilang, lipstik sesuai kebutuhan kamu aja. Tapi produk ini ckup inovatif sama stay all night long nya. Baru kali ni sih ad yang janjiin begini. Dan sekali lagi utk special occasion. :)

xoxo , nitahakeem

Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede Review Revlon Colorstay Ultimate Suede 

Oct 30, 2014

Relationship Comes Around, Broken Hurt Goes Around

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 7:56:00 AM 0 komentar
One day, my friend called me in early morning. She cried out loud. She said that she had no idea why she have to face hard problem ever.

aku bicaranya agak bahasa campuran aja kali ya. Lol.

Pada intinya she was in engangement day 6 month ago with her boyfriend. As a fiancee, certainty comes.

Kadang seseorang btuh kepastian dg acara pertunangan, dan itu selesai. Tapi beberapa orang ga sadar, bahwa bertunangan pun, kamu itu belum menikah. Bertahan itu fase yg paling sulit dari relationship. Lebih mudah utk mengenal orang baru di saat kamu jenuh sama apa yg ada. 

Tapi sebenernya kita ga mencari orang baru itu. Kita bukan lagi cari orang yang dikatakan terbaik. Mungkin dia lulusan Ui, atau dokter, atau enginer, atau pengusaha kaya raya... bukan. Bukan itu. Kita cari orang yang FIT sama kita. Dimana fit dan ga fit itu sesuatu yang ga bisa dipaksakan.

seseorang bertunangan harusnya karena mereka sadar mereka sudah cukup FIT satu sama lain. Dengan tunangan itu mungkin bs lebih buat mereka fokus ke persiapan pernikahan yg lain. Entah utk satu atau dua tahun ke depan. Karena utk Big day, itu jelas ga murah.

Teman aku dalam telponnya mengerang, his boyfriend was making love with someone else one month ago. Dan , sepakat ga sih kalo hal yg ditutupi, hal yg dimurkai Allah, pasti akan ketauan? dan Allah sudah janji... lelaki baik utk wanita baik.
Lalu semua hancur di moment itu. Tapi masih banyak pertimbangan utk menghentikan rencana pernikahan krn kedua keluarga sudah ketemu di acara pertunangan.

I believe that relationship never comes easy. Khilaf itu pasti. Tapi kalo kesalahan dilakukan berkali2, itu namanya doyan

Ada fase dimana dalam relationship orang bertanya ke diri mereka sendiri, bener ga sih dia jodoh aku?
Guys, aku ga percaya jodoh itu dateng sendiri. Dia diusahakan. Dia diminta. Allah rancang sih pertemuannya. Tapi diantara banyak pertemuan, kamu yg berhak meminta jodoh kamu sama yg mana.

You decide to choose.

Aku sih yakin kalo relationship hancur karena cheating, itu karena kebiasaan. Kebiasaan yg dia ga mau ubah. Kebiasaan yg dia ga mau keluar dr lingkup orang2 yg kelakuannya sama. Yg awalnya berniat utk setia dan menjaga satu perasaan, mendadak mencoba utk out of the box. "Dikit aja, ga bakalan ketahuan kok..."

Yah malah temennya sendiri keceplosan ngasih tau kelakuan tunangannya ke temen aku. Ya entah keceplosan atau musuh dalam selimut?
Kamu ga akan tau orang baik sama kamu sampe kamu dapet masalah. 
Karena kalo temen cuma buat have fun go mad, di pinggiran banyak. Mungkin kamu bisa ambil di jalur three in one di Jakarta. Ngantri.

Fenomena. Semua orang gabisa sama ratakan hubungan. Ada yg taaruf 3 bulan dan sebenernya dia ga yakin pasangannya, ga ada cinta di awal, tapi pasrah sama Allah lalu menerima pinangan lawan jenisnya dg niat ibadah. Ada yg begitu.

Ada juga yg bertaun2 pacaran. Sampe rentang 6-7taun, dan berakhir di pelaminan. Ada. Mereka2 itu yg bisa bertahan dan membuat ending yg baik utk mereka tanpa kontroversi pihak lain.

Karena sebaik2nya ending, yang tentukan kita. Dan ketika kita milih ending kita, jangan pernah membuat keluarga atau org sekitar turut andil di dalamnya hingga ke operasional rumah tangga. 

Saling menghargai dan percaya. 
"Maybe i am not in his mind when he did it to that bitch." my friend said.
Iya. Masalah cheating paling utama adalah orang itu sekelebat engga ada di pikiran kita. Kalo si A ada di pikiran si B terus menerus, untuk melakukan kesalahan aja, si B enggak akan sanggup. Karena dia tau, pkirannya cuma A tiap waktu. Yang dia butuh cuma A. Yang dia ga mau sakitin cuma si A.

thats like a simple relationship.

Cinta cuma ada di pikiran, lainnya adalah gimana kamu menyesuaikan.

Because of this reason, i refused some mature guy for marriage. I'm not sure about their feelings about me. Sometimes, marriage isnt a solution. Kadang mereka cuma pengen nikah. Ngelihat kamu cewe baik2, diajak. Tapi ditanya seberapa besar rasa dia ke kamu, dia bingung. He had no idea.

Kalo kamu ga ada cinta sama dia, bahkan utk berkompromi pun kamu enggak akan bisa. Padahal nanti dalam sebuah pondasi, kompromi itu kunci.

Dan kepercayaan itu seperti kertas yang ga akan bisa kembali putih kalo sudah kamu coret. Bisa dihapus, tapi ninggalin bekas.

forgiven isnt bout forgotten.

"Kamu ga mau maafin aku? beb, aku ga serius sama dia waktu itu... serius itu cuma sementara aja terjadi, enggak ada lagi. Dan ga pernah ada."

Perempuan sih ga bisa nerima alasan seperti itu. Dan teman aku itu, memutuskan utk sendiri. Lebih baik sendiri drpd hidup dalam ketidakpercayaan lagi. Lebih baik sendiri drpd harus menerima alasan konyol "aku cuma main2 sama dia.."

justru karena cuma main. kenapa mainnya harus sama cewe? apa di dunia kehabisan mainan game? atau dummy? atau timezone tutup? atau dvd player udah ga diproduksi?

Terakhir dari laki2 itu bilang, dia enggak bisa berakhir dg cara seperti ini, meski tau dia salah. Tapi dia berusaha utk mencoba mempertahankan pertunangan mereka. Dia bilang dia ga akan bergumul lagi sama tmen lamanya yang cuma bisa hev fun go mad. Dia jauhi apa yg pernah buat dia menjadi salah. Dia datang tiap hari ke rumah cewenya. Tapi blm ada tanda2 tmen aku itu bakalan luluh.

Dan aku bilang sama pacarnya, "Orang baik cuma dateng ke kehidupan kamu sekali aja... just for once... sama kayak kesempatan, yg udah kamu sia2kan... mungkin dia gak akan bisa sebaik sprt pertama kamu kenal sesudah ini. Tapi seburuknya dia, bakalan lebih baik drpd kalo kamu nyari orang lain yg ga akan sebaik ketika kamu pertama kenal dia."

Lalu di hari dimana aku mengatakan itu, aku banyak merenung.

Literally, i dont wanna waste my time.

Oct 29, 2014

Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 8:22:00 PM 0 komentar
Everyone knows that using lip tint in Korea is better than using lipstick. In case, lip tint is a trend. Just like a liquid color lips and it doesnt chaps on your lips. Doesnt smudge and good for dry lips.

Today im gonna review this Tony Moly Lip Tint Red Apple. Why red? cause this color looks georgeous. And for my pale bare lips,this works well for covering.

this is the ads of Tony Moly Lip Tint. available in 2 color, other is Cherry Pink.

Really tall aplicator in ergonomic packaging. Not too big and you can bring this to your pocket. Maybe for going to school, campuss, or work.

Just one sweep and voila! you looks so red in lips. And ready to go!

this is how i use the tony moly lip tint red apple. The color so reeed and lovin it. 

was my pale bare lips, i put 6 dots in my upper and bottom lips.

then i sweep with both of lips.

Sometimes the color still not complete to my lips, so i sweep 2 dots again to the upper.

Because liptint always stick to your inside lips.

then the colors equally RED!

i usially using for works absoultely. Ut's good for dry lips, for the pale one. 

but will be so perfect if you are adding a little bit lipgloss for finishing. 

and the so after this, the more you like te product which is affordable in 89k to online shop. And maybe about 150k to the counter.

natural looking for the red liptint? yes... the color sometimes became a lit bit orange if you are in outdoor.

i'm not sweep to much to this product. So the color still in natural red. But maybe if you re adding to much , the color will be very very red.

anyway this is my pale face without make up. hahahahahhaha! 

so review for this product conclusion is:
1. The red apple looks natural like this 
2. Affordable in online shop
3. Not drying your lips
4.Long last about 4 hours without eating.
5. When you re eating, absolutely this color will bye. lol
6. Disable for dark skin faces. Uhm..
7.Suggest to add the lipbalm or lip gloss to make this perfectly better!

and btw, i am a lipstick lover. I use lipstick since i was junior high school. The problem is i was using the cheap lipstick when i have no money hahahahaha. I remember it was a really cheap brands. 

and then effectly to my pale lips. I usually looks in dark lips. Like i am a smoker. 

No i am not.

I'm just in a big problem with my hobby using a lipstick everywhere in everybrand. Cause i love all something about Colouring. hahahaha.

see ya.
coco , nitahakeem

Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple Review Tony Moly Liptint Red Apple

Oct 19, 2014

Review Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes look

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 6:07:00 PM 0 komentar
today i found this step by step for applying cat eyes. and then i used maybelline hypergloss eyeliner in navy blue to make this looks so in cat.

this is the pics of tutorial 

1. line the eyes from the outer corner.
2. follow the line to the middle of eyelid.
3. line to the inner corner.
4. then bold the line. From step one until end.

this is the liquid liner pop navy blue hypergloss maybelline 

and this is what i look from cat eyes to liner pop maybelline eyeliner 


and this is the outlook: 

i use #nofilter in 5s iphone edition. 
this navy blue exactly looks so bold , not thick in your eyes. 
If you have a white skin or even light on your face, the navy blue will perform well in this eyes.

glossy? yes. some people dont like the glossy eyeliner, but for someone have melancholy eyes like me, the gloss will looks brighter in order to covering my dark circle. uhm, maybe not covering, just switch the attention of human to my face. hahahahaha

staying almost 12 hours in your eyes is a point of view in liquid eyeliner, and this maybelline works well. This usually smudge if you brush your eyes with the cleaner.

bonus of hijab edition. this eyeliner looks more beautiful in people wear hijab... seriously. You covering your hair, and your style, but everyone will talk to you over the eyes, so that this glossy eyeliner perform better! 

btw that was scraft. hihihi. 

done well. Conclusion is this maybelline liner pop navy blue is so affordable, just 35k and you can stick your style until the end of the day. 

see you on the next look by another makeup review ! 

Review Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes look Review Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes look Review Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes look Review Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes look Review Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes look Review Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes look Review Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes look Review Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes lookReview Maybelline Liner Pop Navy Blue : Cat eyes look

Oct 16, 2014

how to apply SERUM

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 5:23:00 PM 0 komentar
this is what you need to apply a serum. 

but fyi, this useful to massage your face either :)

Oct 15, 2014


Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 8:59:00 PM 0 komentar
Have you ever been expecting someone too much high ?

i've ever did.
And it hurts for several times.

I've had 4 relationship before, which is thats a long commitment, always been more than 1,5 year. And the longest is three.

You know what, the part of real commitment is the deadline. And the big time is a certainty.

Ever woman needs certainty. Because all of them wanna be rescued.

Everyone need a partner. Whose the one that really click like you just press one button and everything behind running so good for each other.

after the commitment, there is the most difficult things about relationship, that was surviving. 
Yes, to stay in one person is about you just imagine that you life with him or her until the rest of your life.
And you couldnt imagine if the world without.

To stay in love with her no matter how hard things get.

some couples break up cause of many reasons... cheating, arguing, yelling, talking bad, and this part ruins everything that you built in the past.

why? you cant forgive.
Yes , for stay in her/him you cant just staring at them good, just because everyone has mistakes, apologize is the key of happines. And trustworthy is like the roots, they would be growing up if day by day you could show it well.

I'm not expecting to find the one perfect. I'm expecting the one fits to me. Like a good damn partners.

As simple as the one that i can spirit him for every depressed life. And someone that could be the one beside my dreams. Because i'm a woman with many big dreams...  being a good wife with the cute fatty baby boy, career woman/entrepreneur, and then a chef for my family. 
Just prove me whatever i am.

I dont need a rubicon, big house, branded bags,i just waiting for someone who need me to built his empire. His empire to me. And then, stay with me forever. Stay healthy stay maturity.

You know what, i love a challenge. I know that flattered life will be so boring. And i wanna be that one who wins the rule of life.

then praise Allah all the time.

I believe that, if Allah send two person into each other, there will be no cheating, why? because in their eyes would never been someone better outside. Eventhough they re just starring , just flirting,
 as same as christian sugiono said to his wife in reality show, why are you survive with this relationship ? 
"Because searching for someone like you is the most difficult to my eyes."

and just stay with me, no matter how hard things get.

Oct 14, 2014

How i draw an eyebrow

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 5:19:00 PM 0 komentar
i was said that i am interesting with kind of eyebrow nowadays. Just because it happens from my friends wedding makeup crew whose draw me a sharp eyebrow and i looks so different and fabulous.

I'm trying to draw an eyebrow slowly and the result is too bold 😅 

until my sibling tell me how to do this 

i should not always follow the line of my eyebrow but just follow to the upper eyebrow. Because too bold line will make our faces so bad and danger. 

then i'm still trying and the result still too mich. but i cant figure out whats wrong.

for more than 2 weeks i apply this to my office and hoping that i will be really expert cause of experience and then, as i imagine, i'm not bad at drawing !

i applied this eventhough i pray to my Lord. haahhhaha.

but for many reason, i really appreciate to my effort. Suddenly even it's not a real expert like KD or Syahrini, my eyebrow still indentify myself better.

i used Viva eyebrow pencil on this look. As you know pencil of viva is so favourite to all makeup artist. Althought the price just 27k :)) 

see you guys to the next post!

Blorah time

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 2:06:00 AM 0 komentar
Zafferano Cafe.

the way i shared my life in balikpapan is the way that i met my supergirls at the rent house.

we were from several city in Indonesia and meet at balikpapan.

we are mandirian exactly and we have so many plan in this company in and out. 

first time i landed here, there is udur besides me accompany to go around balikpapan and tell anything about people mining oil and gas.

then the rent house suddenly full with the new personels coming.

we hang out, we spent time, we laugh, we gossip, etc. 

some friend turnover to other country in kalimantan, leave the eyedrops with crying and so many moments.

but i hope my life in balikpapan will be really grateful in the next journey with them.

whatever we still in this company or not :)

Oct 13, 2014

#30 facts about me

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 6:25:00 AM 0 komentar
#fact about me

1. Capricornus girls whose craving for high obsession to make her dream comes true. 
2. Sanguin-Melancholic , part of funniest pretty girl and mellow side the others. But btw, i've never cry for a dramas, except anime movies like sailormoon, doraemon, cardcaptor sakura.
3. Cat lovers, eventhough my dad always throw my liar pet away from me. 
4. I dont like children but i am a woman with syndrom of baby fatty boy. Someday my son have to gain weight with a sexy fat body. lol!
5. When i was senior high school, i stopped drawing comics cause of accident, but from that day, i was starting to write fiction drama-novelet. Until now being a blogger. I like shared anything to face the world.
6. I'm a curious one. If i need to know something, i 'll catch with whatever effort.
7. Cant sing. But always act like a lady top singer. Lady gaga kw xxx 😆
8. Love dancing and movie with dancing rythm. Even bollywood. lol.
9. Have had a history. A hard breakup of waiting for someone so many long and wasting so much moment there. But yeah, i trust Him. Everything happens for a reason.
10. For all, i'm good in relationship :p sometimes i use my heart for liking someone, but then i use logic bigger to choose how to doin this well. Because for me, it's not about how to start with someone, but how to train this relationship and staying no matter how hard things get.
11. I usually overthinking. Sometimes too much problems blown engine in my mind. Then so, i need someone to make me comfort and keep me save from the blackhole.
12. Socmed lady. True. Because i'm easy to boring. But to tell the truth, i've never falling in guy with the same charateristic. Life must be balance right? 😅
13. I'm a good driver. Give me many car, i drive it to this city with no compliment. Was my dad gimme 13 car in 5 years recently. All of them is Jeep. He said to me,"starting from heavy difficult car, then you will run with luxury in the future.."
14. Dvd, novel, comics mentally food for me.
15. A bataknese and Javanese. Always in a relationship with java, never happen with bataknese eventhough i really wanna try but heart never comings. haha.
16. I hate become a leader. That will make a bad  effect of anger, of how i manage my team to be perfectionist and sometimes, i cant work with a slowly person.
17. Sauna and fitness is a good therapy for reducing my anger. I put my time for many hours there.
18. Blazer addicted. Everywhere i go, my catchy style is anymodel of blazer. 
19. A bad enterwind person, and it crush with my obsession to wear bikini at Legian, Bali.
20. I hate surprise. Dunno, whenever my bf gimme a surprise, eveything ruined by me, because i never follow his rule and then i dunno what i have done 😅
21. Iphone addicted. I give up with android os.
22. Dreaming of my own closet at a small room. Which is so many my blouse, shirt, dress, bags, shoes inside.
23. Still keeping my dream to be an entrepreneurs with s2 grade :) no matter when. 
24. Well managed. I used to be planned A, B , and C to my life. About my roadmap and my finance.
25. Have many fans of guy younger than me! hahahaa real. Seriously the proportion isnt equal.
26. Telkom Indonesia is the company where my dream jobs ever and ever! 
27. I love makeup, expecially with korean lipsticks. My bare lips are dark cause i ve using  lipstickS since junior high school.
28. I was dreaming for marriage since i graduated, no matter my couple hasnt have salary, i provide runaway with him. "Cinta mati huh?" NOPE, In fact i just wanna be a young married couple like Mom :D
29. Was a single child in family for 13 years, then i met my sweetbaby called azel and i will do anything for him.
30. I'm enough with the rude relationship, how hardly it is. I need healthy one, without crush, with many pleasure. And i dont wanna waste my time to a breakup one.

cendo eyes

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 6:02:00 AM 0 komentar
Would you know whats wrong with my faces for two weeks recently??

i've got a cendo eyes! lol.

moreover, this is the longest cendo i have ever had. Usually people get cendo just two days and it cures naturally. 

This isnt. 

this called kalazion.

the first is your eyes look bigger and so hurted.

and eventhough you covered it with makeup, there is still looking not same as the other eyes. 

sorry maybe too much bad annoying, but i have to post this

 yes this is the bad ever things in my life at my face. this cendo is full of water-something. and looks like a double cendo there. 

i got the inflammation!
 and my siblings offered me to go to the doctor and finally i met dr christiana at Siloam hospital balikpapan.

i did insisi 😅

thats like a small operation which the doctor will using her stuff for clean up the eyes with local anestethic.

so hurt! i almost cry!

but my siblings said this is what we have to cleaned up, cause it will be bigger and destroy my worklife. 
and then so

as long as your face looks like kenshin himura.

after that i said to my bf in two days later that my eyes exist anymore! LOL

guys , just learned from me that dont smudge your eyes with a random hand. And use glasses if you are in a dirty area. Then if you feel so itchy at your eyes, just using cendo xtrol for salep or eyedrops.

life better!


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