How can I say that i like Batik Pattern so much? This coracs so Indonesian! you know that Indonesia has a beautiful culture. We have many different origin, different ras, diffferent culture too. Batik give the same to us. Batik in Indonesia have a many kind of qualification. Batik madura, Batik pamekasan, Batik Solo, etc. My clothes are around of batik pattern. Why i loved them? it is simple, just because the pattern is so colorful, dynamics, and creative. Do you ever think how much longer the worker spent their time to produce a kind of saroong?
Look! i was buy a cockle shells with hearted shape in Situbondo, just about $1
Especially, for this saroong, this pattern is really cool! super elegant! Would you please help me where this pattern come from?
Especially, for this saroong, this pattern is really cool! super elegant! Would you please help me where this pattern come from?
In a different country too, Batik changing to be modern, artistic, and not as rigid as the old.
You looked that! even in a blur picture, batik still looks fabulous!
Then, can you wear this? hahahha. Anyway, to tell the truth, this batik still being saroong, it hasnt been change to be clothes. maybe someday i will go to the tailor to altered it.
Batik saroong $30/m
A bracelet with kind of shells $2 from Bali Beach
A bracelet with kind of shells $2 from Bali Beach
oh, extravagant the green one! and you need to wear a shoes absolutely.
The good one is when you are wearing a batik with classic pair of shoes. This is it! my nude classic shoes. It comes from Bucheri which price almost 20 dollar.
Very clumsy isnt it?
And the second i will introduce you to my cute batik pattern.
is that cute? pinky clothes which combined into batik pattern. I usually wear it on the campuss. Im pairing this with just a jeans, and a high heels, then i confident to go to college!
Oh, look at to the skinny legging jeans! i have a big thigh :( i always confused bout it. Because i cant wear an outfit to the bottom of my body with any cute pattern. But okay, deal with it!
top $13, bottom line $5
This cute pinky batik is so much me being a cute girl! i am just 22. But, would you blame me if im still feeling as teenager??
This is the pair of shoes. This item is remarkable. Do you know the history of this high heels? it just broke 1 year ago, but im still loved it, and dont wanna put on the trash.So i make a ribbon to make it still cute to be wore.
St Yves $14
The third batik i will explain is the green ones! this is a highwaist. Today, highwaist being happened to some of people which is have a big body as me. Im not skinny as the model of our industry. But lets be confidence! beautiful is come from your eyes! come from your self. Not just about your clothes, but how to make a style and make the people starring at you because you are convenient.
This is how i am wearing a highwaist. I have a big body. So when my highwaist full of pattern expecially green pattern combined with flower, i choose the dark one to be my top! i decided to wear a dark brown shirt! so, it make a good effect? hehehe
the top dark brown just $3
Godness, this light up to me!
see ya, you are really have a feminine cutting!
the close wear up! never be dissapointed to grab this at home! hahahahha
Just make a know to your high waist, because it is elastic to wear, and the component is rubber.
the green one $25
nowadays, i have to say thankyou for reading my blogs. A little bit newbie yeah? xixixi. So, when i have introduced you about the modern batik. so, why dont you go to the Malioboro Jogjakarta, Solo, or Madura? to buy some of saroong exactly! dont choose the bown dark one. Because i am too bored with the dark batik. I love the colorful of batik. Even my friends said, "Nita, in my own sight, i often looked that you always wearing batik to go to campuss?" Hahaha. Why not dear?? It's fun to loving a batik!
nowadays, i have to say thankyou for reading my blogs. A little bit newbie yeah? xixixi. So, when i have introduced you about the modern batik. so, why dont you go to the Malioboro Jogjakarta, Solo, or Madura? to buy some of saroong exactly! dont choose the bown dark one. Because i am too bored with the dark batik. I love the colorful of batik. Even my friends said, "Nita, in my own sight, i often looked that you always wearing batik to go to campuss?" Hahaha. Why not dear?? It's fun to loving a batik!
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