Nov 27, 2014

Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 12:37:00 AM 1 komentar
Boyaahh... today is a very free day, there is no aplication i have to work more. Everything gets bored when i have no something to analyze like it used to be. Then i play with  make up and found a sweet thing on my bag i need to introduce. 
I forgot that i've ever bought this baby whereas i bring this everyday at work.
This is my special weapon for matte lip finished staying in nude!

The brand of Max Factor, which has been  in Indonesia since 1990. This is 2in1 lipcolor and gloss.

I choose the nude one among 5 variant colors.

Pink nude finished is what you will loved  when you find this baby at stores. With price of 99k you'd have a baby face looks in your age. (i'm 24 yo wtf) lol

This product of Ireland gets matte finished with the nude looks. The texture absolutely dry. Yes, i said matte liquid  will be drying on your lips. It's worth having with the lasting time, almost 3  hours, not deny.

this max factor have two step i have to explain, one is the nude color lips, two is the "glossyterring" things.

Step 1: once you sweep to your lips, let it dried. (I recommend to use lipbalm first, just a little). Dont take a war with your lips cause you will feel uncomfortable for the first effect.

Step 2: using the glossy and glittery things if you need a dramatic finished. It helps the color no more drying on your lips. But for me, i seldom use the glossy one, cause it makes the nude color really sheer and i dont like it.

So i usually use the nude color step 1, and the step 2 actually i used it for another lipcolor which is bold. lol

This is the swatches you need to know:

after i blend step one and step two there's become:

Max factor Lipfinity has 2x3 ml liquid color and easy to bring well packaged. Affordable price with perfect finishing.

I usually takes this lipfinity when hanging out with my bf or my special friends which is not everyday use. As my mood changing, i use the nude looks when i dont really want to make someone impress. hehe.

But for the  long lasting,  i said thanks i dont need to retouch when i ate some delicious food! 
Why? because this baby even not stick to the glass when drinking a water.

Like seriouslyyyyy...

How do i use this max factor lipfinity?

This is my bare lips: 

and this is the step one i swatch to the lips

My day running well with the perfect step two

you looks the different finished?? With step one just jas nude looks, like i said before this lipcolor dry just for 5 sec, and this is stay lasting to your lips.
So, use the step two for glossying your lips with a bit of glittering things.

Then i see you the picture of flash and no flash without filter absolutely.

Like i said before, this lipfinity stay long everday, the evidence is :

Still found the color in my hand?? This is the day after, absolutely i have taken wash my hand with water and soap. So if you wanna clean the lips, use remover will be works.

additional review, this lipfinity color nude just looking proper if use by someone in lighter skin. My friend who has dark face ever swatched this to her lips and she was looking not proper with the color.
Then, someone maybe doesnt feel the glossy things in this lipcolor (step 2 ) cause of the glittering shining white. Absolutely, you look a little bit pale face. So, you choose girl, you choose! 

do i repurchase? i do!!

Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss Review Max Factor Lipfinity Colour and Gloss

Nov 22, 2014

Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 2:27:00 PM 2 komentar
Seperti biasa kalo mau cuap2 produk yang aku rasa butuh bahasa indo, berarti banyak banget yg pengen di ungkapin plus minusnya ini produk. Lol.

Sudah kisaran dua minggu pake ini produk dan satu kesan aku: Adorable!

Yes. Pertama ini produk seharga 319ribu. Which is dia setara sama manfaatnya di wajah.

Oke aku mulai deh. Step by step ttg produk ini. 
Pertama ini produk edisi Face It! Which is ada banyak edisi powder pact, two way cake sampe eyeshadow yg design tempatnya sama kayak ini bedak, Bulet, dan yg paling aku suka adalah materialnya kuat dan ada semacam fungsi kaca depan pactnya dan bukan berefek cembung. Lovely! Hanya saja packaging agak gede ya, jadi lumayan abisin space di beauty kit.

Jenisnya ada Face it eyeshadow, face it radiance, face it collagen dan face it two way cake.

Nah, utk face it Radiance sendiri ada 3 jenis. Yang pertama Face it Radiance Two Way Cake spf 25+Moisture, kedua Face it Radiance powder Pact spf 25+Moisture, ketiga yg aku beli Face it Radiance Powder Pact spf 50 no moisture.

Kenapa aku pilih yg terakhir? karena muka aku oily, aku takut jerawatan, jadi aku ada spf dari dokter tersendiri dan aku cuma btuh bedak yg bantu spf dari luar utk uv A.

Dimana tabir surya aku udah ada spf plus moisture sebenernya.

Kalo untuk warna cuma ada dua macem, light sama natural. Aku pilih light karena yg natural jatuhnya lebih ke kulit nuansa beige.

Waktu dipake, yang pasti nyaman makenya karena wanginya normally, ga terlalu perfumerie, dan taburan bedaknya kerasa banget di wajah. Mksdnya terasa? Iya biasanya kalo kita pake bedak lain, se jam ajah, itu bedak uda ga stay di wajah. Kalo kita pegang wajah, butirannya udah ga kerasa. Kalo ini bedak face it dia masih terasa stay lasting di muka.

Baik indoor maupun outdor, stay lasting almost 6 jam indoor ac dan 3 jam outdoor.

Ketahanannya menangkal radikal bebas masi blm terbukti sih, tapi spf nya tinggi jadi bikin wajah adem kalo make. Compact ini aku pakai sehari2 sih. Lembut bedak dan aplikatornya actually bikin nagih. Dimana biasanya aku pake bedak bayi aja sehari2. Tapi di usia 24 sepertinya uda mulai mikirin wajah butuh pelindung yg lebih kuat tapi ga berat.

Aku pake ini di kantor dan aktivitas diluar kalo lagi kunjungan ke developer perumahan yg panas2 enak banget. Muka tetep adem luar biasa. Engga seperti pake bedak lain yg mungkin melindung tapi muka masih aja terasa panasnya.

Kekurangannya cuma satu : Isinya dkit! huhu tipisss banget bedaknya dibanding brand lain. Jadi emang too expensive kalo dilihat dari ukuran gramnya.

Aku ga perlu fotd ya, karena ini kan bedak sehari2 bukan two way cake yg kasih perbedaan warna di wajah setelah diaplikasikan. heheehe... Yang pasti kayak foto di atas yg muka aku keliatan jelas no filter, bedak ini ga akan mengubah warna kulit hanya saja functionalnya yg aku fokusin. Warna kulit kita bakalan ttep sama dg tekstur yg lembut. Satulagi, cocok buat orang yg mukanya berminyak. Aku bilang produk ini ga bkin kering, tapi dia ckup mengeringkan wajah yg oily. Jadi wajah ketika pake ini selama 3 jam lebih keliatan dowy. Masih berminyak di bagian hidung tapi justru memperlihatkan kenaturalan wajah. Oily nya pun ga banjir banjir seperti -sekali lagi- dengan bedak lain. Mungkin kalo yg kulitnya udah kering aku ga recomend ya. Atau kalo mau beli yg Face it Collagen aja. Packangingnya merah dan itu oke buat moisture. Oh! Maybe juga karena yg aku beli ini no moisture jadi bisa keringkan muka aku yg pily. Sepertinya yg spf 25+moisture cocok utk yg kulit kering.

Overall, produk ini sangat mengesankan dari sejak pertama. Kayak love at the first sight lah ya. lol.
Selain dari harganya yg garang, engga ada lagi sih kekurangan dari makeup stuff ini. I do in love! 

Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50 Review Face Shop: Face It Radiance Powder Pact Spf 50

Nov 18, 2014

How she train her daughter

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 5:06:00 AM 0 komentar
"Mama ga bisa ngatur kamu kalo kamu ga mau diatur. Jadi mama bebasin kamu. Tapi asal km tau, kalau suatu saat kamu jatuh atau sakit karena suatu hal buruk terjadi di kamu, mama ga akan bantu, kamu tanggung resikonya sendiri."

Itu kalimat yg mama ungkapkan ke saya sejak saya SMP.
Iya waktu itu smp. Hari dimana hormon abg bergejolak. Hari dimana teenager acapkali diatur malah semakin jadi. Hari dimana saya diberi anter jemput supir, tapi karena saya liat temen2 saya naik angkot dan itu keren, saya kabur dari supir saya.
Hari dimana juga saya sering bolos pelajaran krn saya ngerasa saya ud lebih pinter dari guru2 saya (lah emg rank 10 paralel dri 9 kelas)
Hari dimana saya jatuh cinta sama seseorang dan minta guru untuk dipindah ke kelas pagi supaya bisa dekat sama dia. 

Gila kan? Iya dari sejak usia segitu emang sudah banyak nekat.

Tapi kata2 mama selalu ada di kepala saya. Itu bagaimana cara dia mendidik saya. Bagaimanapun langkah yg saya ambil, saya itu di dunia akan sendirian. Jadi resiko saya yg tanggung semua.

Maka dari itu kalo saya mau nakal, saya berhitung pake pilihan ganda.

Saya diajarkan utk ga takut sama papa mama, tapi diajarkan utk menanggung semua resiko yg akan saya ambil termasuk resiko berhubungan sama lawan jenis.

Karena papa mama tau, saya itu kalo dibilangin keras kepala. Semakin di atur, semakin mengacau. Sama kayak waktu saya bilang saya mau jadi komikus ke papa, dia setuju dan mendukung. Beda dg mama yg pengen saya jd dokter aja. Jd komikus ga banyak uang katanya....
Tapi saya keukeuh, saya belajar menggambar.
Sampai saya nemu titik dimana, ketika kamu suka suatu bidang dan kamu mempelajari itu, teknik menggambar udah bukan jd sesuatu yg meliarkan pikiran kamu, taoi jadi sesuatu yg berteknik beresolusi antara jarak dan sudut. Lalu semua jadi membosankan. dan saya mulai ga menyukai menggambar komik karena teori yg diajari sensei2nya.

Itu resiko, resiko dr pilihan saya, dan bagaimana saya membanting setir ke dunia akademis lagi. Mulai jadi realistis, lebih baik bekerja di sesuatu yg saya biasa aja, tapi saya masih mencintai gambar komik dg cara saya sendiri. Dengan cara saya yg liar.

Begitu pula dg bagaimana saya minta motor waktu SMa di saat mama saya bilang "Jangan!" 
Dia sebenernya pnya feeling kalo nyawa anaknya diujung tanduk dg beda itu. Tapi balik ke jiwa teenager tadi, makin memberontak.
Hingga motor saya dapat dari papa dg paksa dan 3 bln kemudian berakhir di rumah sakit dg dua pen platina di tangan kanan.
Lalu saya stres ga bisa menggambar lagi. Bahkan meliarkan pikiran saya.
Satu lagi, mama saya mengingatkan resiko yg saya tanggung seorang diri. Adalah rasa sakit saya terhadap diri saya sendiri.

Balik lagi di setiap risiko ada kreatifitas, sejak itu saya kenal dunia tulis. Tujuh taun kemudian habis dg banyak novelet hasil ketikan tangan karena sudah tidak terlatih menggambar lagi.

Tapi utk kali ini saya ga mau menjadikannya profesi, karena saya takut saya benci dg sesuatu yg saya sukai. Saya gamau tulisan saya dibumbui dg "teknik"

Sebegitulah, she was trained me as a human. Maybe i'm missing her so i do write this post. 
karena kadang saya merasa, i'm 24 dan saya akan cepat atau lambat lewati fase sbg orgtua. 10 taun lagi akan berbeda. Dan saya gatau, apa saya bisa mentrainee anak saya seperti mama saya mentrainee saya.

Karena dg alasan itulah, i save myself better than others. Saat teman2 saya mulai "ngawur" saya diem di tempat sambil tertawa2 saja mengawasi mereka tanpa masuk ke lingkaran. Karena saya lihat, resikonya saya blm tentu bisa tanggung. Lalu ketika mereka jatuh, sekali lagi saya cuma bisa jadi teman yg baik dan selalu ada.

Beberapa prinsip, beberapa idealisme yg menjaga isi kepala saya. Membuat saya jadi sekeras itu bertahan dg masih masuk ke kelas sosial yg sama.

Sebuah prinsip yg bahkan kadang mama papa ga bisa goyahkan. Krn disetiap prinsip jg ada resiko. Seperti resiko pertama kali keluar dr Surabaya. Mama papa adek nangis melepas saya, tapi saya tetap tersenyum di bandara. Bahkan dg pulang 6 bulan sekali, saya membuat mereka rindu mungkin setengah mati.
Tapi sebuah keinginan yg ada saat itu memang saya mau keluar dari Surabaya dan itu harus.
Hingga resiko yg ada skrg? iya, saya ingin kembali. Tapi tetep saya harus selesaikan pilihan saya dan bertanggung jawab atas itu.

Termasuk menjaga diri, karena saya sendirian. Banyak prinsip, banyak idelisme saya ttg relationship. Begitu pula ketika saat junior high school saya udah merancang kebahagiaan spt apa yg saya mau nanti saat 25. lol. Visioner skali kan?

Saat itu semua masih imajinasi anak SMP. Tapi skrg saya jd tau itu idealisme saya. Bahkan plan A , B, C ada di imajinasi.

Kalau saya, saya ga mau kasih saya seutuhnya ke orang yg nantinya akan menyakiti saya di masa depan. Kalau saya, akan kasih saya seutuhnya ke orang yg akan sacrifice, compromise, staying sama saya di masa depan. Di idealisme saya, cinta itu memiliki. Kalau gabisa memiliki, ga perlu berbagi.

Ini bukan keempat saya ga pulang ke rumah. Sebenernya rindu luar biasa sosok mama yg mengajari saya hidup dalam diamnya.

Hehe. Kalo saya sih pnya anak perempuan gatau deh apa bisa benar mendidik dia spt apa yg mama lakukan ke saya. Mama racuni saya lewat pikiran. Bukan dg marah atau mukul saat saya salah.

Ahh, maybe i'm homesick as always. or maybe i need to take a rest :p

xoxo, nitahakeem

Nov 15, 2014

Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 5:18:00 PM 1 komentar
After being a lips lover, i loved nail art either.... I remember the day once i decided to growing up my nails became so full length. Alhamdullillah, i have a good nails, while i've never manicure or pedicure. 
If you know the fact is i have strong nails, thickly texture, and wide. Thats the poin i was liking my nails to another color and the reason i'm waiting for the day period each month!

I have every collection of nail color in every brand. Until one day i'm staring at Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100. A funtastic gold brown color!!

I said "Gosshhhh this is the color i really in love."

The color is like a copper, but still stylish cause of the shimmering gold include. The news after is, this nail color has a scent!

So what makes Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 looks different? absolutely the scent of nail color. I guess this is the first scented nail color. For this one no 100 the scented is chocolate caramel. So perfumieeee....

if your man kiss on your hand it scented all perfect good. This one stay long last just 1 day. Yes one day. I suggest using this for many occasion like the Gala or dinner with your boss, you collega, your man. This color is huge glamorous.

Besides the color, the scent, i perfectly in love with the speed of drying after sweep. Yes, as i know all the nail color of revlon except TOP SPEED edition, have to take a looong looong time to be dried.
Almost 15 minutes to make it dry.
But this stuff just need 2 minutes for drying. Lovin it!

oh, i forget, i suggest you not too often smelling to your nails. Why? uhmmm the scent of chemical, will make a lil bit dizzy. Like you have a wopey head uhhhh...

The price about 42000 rupiahs. So cute huh? hehehhee

i'm dying in love with this color and the new formulation of perfume from Revlon. Can not imagine how the first they made out. Creative one.

Zooming in to my nails and you will know my untidy sweep. lol

Someone wont looking at your nails too much closer yeah? lol lol lol


Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100
 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100
 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100 Review Revlon Perfumerie Scented Nail Enamel Autumn Spice No 100

Nov 13, 2014

The moment of sketch

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 4:18:00 PM 0 komentar
Did i've ever mention i was in an accident when senior high school then stopped drawing? 

And for the last post i've ever scan my own comics.😙

we can called it "serial cantik"

after the accident i have no feeling bout draw, even sketch. I'm following my passion to write novels, and now suddenly i wanna sketch again.

I know that today isnt same as yesterday. Absolutely my right hand. For now, this hand rather be stiff for drawing. Not as flexible as before.

but i dunno... i prefer try.. 
just in case, i really need to express my feelings bout someone .

one day, i met someone in another place here. just a general first impression, not expecially as i was staring at interested person.

then for the other day, for any occasion bout my baby car, my scarlett, i need someone to help me unlock the key of my friends home. 😅

i met him again for the second, which is before i have invited his bb pin for asking a help.

Starting from that day, we make a friendship as usual. We told anything each other. Sometimes sharing personal life, sometimes talking bad, sometimes talking bout history.

i get closer to him, but my logics said to stop. 

Said to stop cause we both in the same company, and i've never want an affair inside. Why? cause everything will be broken when someday we breakup for several reason. This company is the biggest. I know. But to fall in love with the man inside is the last choice for me. Althought for several moment i planned to out from this company exactly, but not because i'm in love -__- hahahaa.
Which was for paralel relationship, i get closer with anyone else at the same time. 😝

just because my logic said that i cant be a woman for falling no commitment, so i set my self free get closer with another guy without limited.

then i stopped.

until one day, he looked upset for something i realized, but i have no talk to him for a week. just trying to ignore. as my brain said,"who is he you want to know his bussines? get away lah.."

i got away. 

then suddenly he said to me "something" that i laughed at. 
as a flirt ? as a jokes? we usually do that, just for fun.

but in other moment after 2 weeks, he said that was true. And i still have no trust bout the statement.

because so many reason i cant believe a man word, moreover he was inner his circle in path for posting our photo to avoid from one girl.

he taken an apologize. then i give him a chance.

a chance to built a trust into me.

24 september, grand senyiur lounge, i give myself a chance and he is either.

I give myself an allowance to break my rules again, inside this company. To take a risk for whatever reason. For falling in love with someone outer my circle city.

And i give him an allowance to get my faith back. A trustworthy. 

For a reason that, i realize something... we both have some similiarity in a big differences. Hard differential. But yeah , every relationship needs sacrifice. :) 

and we are still going.

someone ever told me bout her boyfriend,"I dont care bout your past. Sometimes the moment i dont need to ask. The most important thing is how you treat me now, cause i'm falling... i'm falling in you now, not with your past."

literally , i am still the one no expectation. But yes, for the future, woman need a certainty. Certainty bout person she is in love with. Someday, not now :) 

everything still going.

Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 4:18:00 PM 0 komentar

After one year, i'm starting for dye my hair with the natural one. I choose swarkof since 2 years, and now still the same. I dunno, thats the japanese hair coloring and i'm still feeling good with this brand to my hair. 

for now, i am not using the bubble stuff. This is a general hair color, which is you usually apply by brush. But for me NOT. hahahha.

first, we'll see my hair with the last swarkof i've ever applied.

in front of the camera, looks my blonde hair.

from behind, it looks so sraggly. Ugly hair.   Bad performance -,-

and then i use this kind of product.

like usualy a hair color has developer one and two, then a conditioner for finishing

blended the dev 1 and 2 into the bowl like the brochure

the direction tell that i have to wait along 20 minutes, but i run into 1 hours to make a good perfect color. Yeah, as natural as i want. Like a virgin hair.

Forget, i choose the Dark brown. And my hair never been bleaching.

thats the result in the morning with a sun shines. Sun bright like a diamond.

i'm gonna work at my car and trying to put a photo to my blogs.

then i need a help from my friends udur anggitta sirait to capture it behind my back.

with the sunlight, this hair looks as brown as i want. but eventually, in indoor it doesnt work.


with enhance: 

my blonde hair still merged with the dark one.. hahaha look at the boundary color. 

no enhance:

all of them captured by my iphone 5s. No filter. 

For conclusion, i still need to see for two weeks later then give the continues review. But for this morning, this is a better result.

 Why? i dont wanna be blonde again. Just wanna be dark brown. Really dark brown. So i dont need to dye my hair once for six month.

price? just around 50k 
because i dont like waiting for dye my hair at salon. I hate waiting so much. With dye my hair at home i could wait one hours while watching a divergent. lol.

Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN Review Schwarkopf Intensive Color Creme DARK BROWN

Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 2:47:00 AM 0 komentar
This is a review about many kind of lip tint recently. If you have remembered, there are many improvement bout Korean Liptint. First, we've ever find the first lip tint which is really liquid like a water in your lips. Second, this product make an improvement, the liptint combined by milk, so it was a lil bit glossy. Nowadays, liptint changing.

And etude house introduce their new haul.

The fresh new creamy liptint. Yes liptint become really creamy by Etude House. It's not liquid anymore. Until i guess it's like another 2in1 lip and cheeks stuff. 

Yes , this liptint for me, could be use for our cheeks too... but hey wait.. thats the first time i thought.

Definitely, this is just a creamy liptint which very moisturizing, if you use it to the cheeks you will feel so disturbing

Why? because  2in1 of lip and cheeks usually not moisturizing, and generally a lil bit dried out to the lips but really melted to the cheeks.

But this one, as i said before, just the real liptint for lips. Because if you still applied to your cheek, it will become so oily. Thats why i said disturbing.

Just see the photo, you find the texture of this liptint so creamy to my hand. The color i choose is solid pink, or they said in rosy.

But when i sweep to my lips, there is not too solid as a hell. lol. As long as i tell you bout my pale bare lips, the color not melting good to my lips. Just as natural as baby lips.

to tell the truth, i could feel the particle of .... uhmm as a granule which moisture in your lips. I dont know. I really feel this liptint so crunchy to my lips. Like the texture not in a perfect mixture.

the good news is this liptint has a matte finished. For someone whom lovin matte one. 
Subjectically, this color doesnt match to my skin. hahahaha. I feel really  pale in the face, eventough i'm still as beauty as i am :p

Ignore the themes of the photo, my eye so lusterless, so i used stiker to be covered.

 and because i feel too drying lips, i use lipgloss unusually. Literally, im back to the first lip tint, really liquid and glossy. yeah!

This is the other variant of Rosy Lip Tint Etude House. Like usual Korean lipcolor : Red, Orange, Cranbery, Pinkiesh.

For me,  i wont repurchase. Cause this stuff isnt as high as my expectation. I dont like the granule around my lips. A lil bit annoying. With almost 300k i dont feel comfort in using it. Pricey!

photo bonus. lol

Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip v Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip Review Etude House Rosy Tint Lip


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