Jan 16, 2015


Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 12:24:00 AM 0 komentar
I'm so addicted with my 25 years old day! 😂😂

That day i'm not expect anything cause i never feel something special in my bird day like in the past.

But so many surprise from my office friends, my kareshi, my house mate.
Appreciate much, i'm dare happy today 

to tell the truth i'm just really hate surprising because of i always ruin the plan of someone for me, and totally make them upset cause of my straight face.

But today i dunno i dont ruin the plan! hahahahaha

This is the first moment in my birthday in CLBC balikpapan with all office mate, they gimme a cup of kiss and all the wishes.

thats my boss! lol he looks like Abraham Samad with the photo scandal eh

Then the second is when i visit office house of my kareshi, he suddenly brought down and said that his knee dislocate!

But suddenly Danu and friends coming with the guitar and Tart!


They gimme this video that kareshi made in his office , he edited all of them.

And then this is my bday cake he bought from decafe by bluesky. The tart is a wrap! real delicious!

Boyahhh, i was so sleepy before visiting Pasundan and they made this happen until i cant sleep!

then the third is a wrap from my housemate. When i come back home at 10 they knocking my door and voila! 

I have to be style like this...

A lol Word!! hahahahhaha
 I love them so much in my life.

The day after i had this to be a gift from my sist and partner in crime 

so lovely part twoo 😂😂😂

Thank you so much all of my beloved.. especially my kareshi, he gave me more than a gift !

I can say nothing cause of him. Like i dont need anything except him :) 

and trully i wish he will be the best one for me forever. 


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