Dec 10, 2013


Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 12:20:00 AM 0 komentar

Hey you all! This is the random post about my life recently.  I was being an usher for the invitation of Ground Braking at my company. So, one day, the branch from Klandasan in Balikpapan will be broke for a years in order to make a great building with 7 floor which is there will be 7 bussines unit inside.

Me at consumer loan will be attended to this building too.

This ground breaking invite the director of the company, group head, and etc

What kind opf interesting is what i wore that day.

Kalimantan traditional thinngs : the vest, the skirt, the crown, an so on!

This is us 6 people which is usher, mc, and the protokoler

I was act like an usher or pagar ayu and pagar bagus

They are the director of Micro Bussines Banking and Area Manager

Ihihihi.. so happy with this kind of makeup and the thing held in Borneo! Thanks for reading !

Nov 29, 2013

What Looks Do You Love?

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 1:13:00 AM 0 komentar

Hey! Hey!
I am back since a year i was so vacuum and so long time n see you all beauty blogger, all fashion blogger at my home. 

So much adaptation with my task at the office, with many people in Borneo. You know that Borneo Island so influence me. Hhaha. I am trying to loved this city called Balikpapan. With no fashion histories, just Everbest and Gaudi which is a lot of high end.

For many store, you cant even found Centro or Debenhams.

There are just Matahari Department Store. And just in this Borneo, the Matahari Dept Store looks interesting and futuristic -,-


In my pleasure time, i was starting to play with makeup. So bored and not in a good mood, then suddenly in a epic situation in a random think i wanna fulfil my blog again. 

So so sorry for people followed me but i am not even care with my blog for 1 year.
Yeah i cant promise to fill this blog continously, but maybe in any other random things again, i would :D

Thats my challenges of the red lipstick and the nudes one. 
So playing with any other looks of makeup.

so here we go !

Bahahahaa... this is my natural face. No make up. I am going to play with the brushes, eyeshadow, and all the colors of my face!

Bring it on.

The first step is i am using my palete makeup, 32 MAC Makeup Artist Pallete. Is that right that i have ever post the color of this palete?

I seldom used it for one year recently, cause i am not a customer service in this bank company. 
Since i am analyst of consumer loan, i can say that i never used a make up everyday, however there is many makeup kit at my room that i was brought from Jakarta  to Balikpapan.

The second step absolutely blending your face with the suitable foundie. All what you want that suit with your sensitive skin. 
Blending and Blending until you found that you are not using 5cm powder >.<

Then the third is playing with your beauty eyes!
smokey always looks so "greng" hahahaa

Fourth please using your concealer for the dark circle and shading in your side cheek so you can get the haggard effect.


Then fifth is play with your blush on. I am using the pinky ones for blending with the brown shading and the result so beauty!

Lalalala the sixth is the part one makeup for no finishing!

fufufu... then we play with the looks of the lips.


I am so introduce my self to be a nice girl and the calm one. Right?
So natural looks, i bet many boy like this looks, cause most of all like the girl which is have a simple look and being beauty with the inner than outer. And you know what? But most of women, really like a challenges, a nail art, a red lips, etc and experimenting with the color. But most of man dont like that much! real?


Absolutely with the red ones.

in my words, it' a rawr mode


Now, what do you think?

See you in a other post!

xoxo, gregarious angel.

Sep 21, 2013

Life Recently To Be a Depressed Banker

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 11:19:00 PM 0 komentar
Uhm, i wish i could say that i have my own life here to be good eventough my network not down very often all the day!

I hate this. Cause it makes me depressed and choose to be at the office very late using wifi everyday.

The Blackberry.
Gtab Connection.
And also my modem.

Its sooo crap hereee... why there is no better connection in Kalimantan when Jawa and Sumatra do??

ahh... i need a vacation...

Yah, maybe for Derawan in Kalimantan?

but the place i wanted to go by the way is Brunei Darussalam..
hahaha... idont know, someplace that i was dream to visit since i was a little girl is Brunei. Some people ask me why, but i have no  good answer than a place i want to go,i have to go. Thats it.

to tell the truth is i miss my home.

i miss my red car.

who's treat my red car when i am not there??

i was really afraid of,


sometimes i wanna take my car to be here, if i dont realize that my rent house is not capable to pick this up.

I have no garage. And the last probability i have to do is parking my car in front of the house.

No no no no no,

How  could i broke my car with any posible things about the outsiders when my plat is L?

This is Balikpapan. This is not my own city.

I may be a queen of my city, buyt when i wasnt in my parents area, i am nobody.

I may be the daughter of  "someone" in Surabaya, but in this city, i am just who i am.

The one who doesnt know me maybe hurt me for several reason, and i am not fighting for another reason. I have no backup here. Like i have all in my city.

But thats great. I change.

The only things that i realize about my self is changing to be another person. Say good bye to selfish. To be a liar. To be an it girl, huh?

i will do with all my power. What i have to do, until when i am done.

Just about if you wanna to do whats going on my life recently?

the best thing i have a soul of to be a banker is i have you all. I have US. No matter what, we concsistency to help. We consistency be fight in this world. No matter we were go home tenggo or not? :p

So thanks to be here, to be with my little soul.

To be a spirit booster.

Apr 23, 2013

Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown Part II

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 3:56:00 AM 0 komentar
Have you ever read my previous review about this product?

Then, this is 23 April, so i have been dye my hair for 2 month :)
Dont you curious about how my looks today?
At the same time, the hair color looks soo bright and everyone said that i looks like "bule" hahahaha
But then after 1 month, i feel that my hair being dark light color. You can see this and take a comparing

How about your opinion? 

Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown.Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown

Apr 5, 2013

Happy Bday Ayu Aprilia Irani

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 8:51:00 PM 1 komentar

Happy bday 23 rd sahabatku :)
Gak kerasa kita udah sama sama 23 tahun.
Gak kerasa juga kita udah barengan sejak kita kecil, SD kelas satu hingga sekarang. Ga kerasa kita udah besar bersama. Udah kayak saudara. Udah kayak dua tangan yg saling nopang.

Terimakasih buat semua persahabatan yg udah terjalin. Terimakasih buat nemenin aku sampe saat ini, atas semua telinga, atas semua mulut, atas semua waktu yang udah disediakan untuk aku.

Banyak banget perjalanan persahabatan kita sejak kecil. Mulai dari diadu domba sampe kita dua tahun ga bertegur sapa. Mulai dari rebutan majalah anime. Sampai baca komik diem diem diluar sepengetahuan mama kita berdua.

Kamu pernah nangis karena majalah donal bebekmu aku pinjem lama banget. Aku pernah kesel karena tiap pulang sekolah kamu pinjem rok ku buat jalan sama mama kamu. Hahahahaha. Lucu ya??

Kamu itu sahabat pertama aku. Dan kamu juga yang paling lama ada di hidup aku. Sekarang kita udah dua puluh tiga, kamu utamanya pada tanggal ini berusia dewasa.

Persahabatan kita itu lucu.

Yang dulunya kita masih SMP, kalau makan di foodcourt TP. Jalan berdua, cari yg murah murah di foodcourt itu, palingan makan 30 ribu. Sekarang setelah kita ngnjak umur dewasa, makan kita udah mulai naik kelas, kalau hangout sama kamu, kita udah mulai makan di resto sushi.

Dulunya naksir sama kakak kelas, eh kakak kelas yg kamu taksir tetangga aku dan kakak kelas yg aku taksir tetangga kamu. Dan kita sering main detektif detektifan buat incer mereka tiap pulang ke rumah.

Dan ya lagi, secara kebetulan,profesi kita sama. We are a banker! :)

Saya sayang sekali sama sahabat saya. Dan saya berharap kamu di usia ini lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya.

Saya berharap kamu bisa capai apa yg jadi obsesimu, saya berharap kamu punya kehidupan rumah tangga yg baik nantinya, saya berharap apapun yg kamu idealkan, akan terealisasi di masa depan. Baik karir kamu, kesehatan kamu, semuanya.

Nita selalu berharap Ayu baik baik saja :)

Aku selalu berharap kamu akan hidup bahagia, ga pernah sedih dan bisa menjadi contoh buat adik kamu yg bule itu. Hahahahaa. Kangen sekali aku sama Nabilla.

Oya, kita punya persamaan, sama sama mantan anak tunggal yg ketika SMP punya adik baru. Yg keluar tak terencana.
Sehingga kita punya tanggung jawab besar utk mendidik adik kita sekarang yg bahkan masih SD.

Makasih buat semua persahabatan. Kita dimulai dari perkenalan, dari cekcok, bertengkar, tapi kita selalu ucapkan maaf.

Maaf ya kalo Nita punya banyak salah.

Yang Nita inget, Ayu itu orang pertama yg nangis waktu Nita digangguin temen SD dulu. Ayu itu orang yg selalu semangatin Nita kalo lagi minder karena gendut dan jelek waktu SD.

Mungkin aku ga bisa kasih banyak, sebanyak kamu kasih aku. Tapi aku selalu berharap, kamu selalu bertemu orang baik yang tulus sama kamu.

Lelaki yang sayang sama kamu, no matter the background is. Lelaki yg bertanggung jawab dan selalu jaga kamu dunia akhirat.

Karir, kesehatan, pasangan hidup, nikah... will be in your hand.

Kamu harus bahagia disana ya Ayu!


Sebentar lagi, aku bakal penempatan kerja. Kita yg 22taun ada di Surabaya mungkin ga bisa ketemu seenak kayak kita satu kota dulu. Tapi, persahabatan tetep persahabatan. Suatu saat kita bakalan ketemu lagi dan aku pengen lihat kamu punya kabar baik.

Jaga diri kamu ya. Dari apapun itu. Karena segimana kecil kondisi kamu, kalo kamu ada apa apa, aku ga bakalan tenang.
Kamu harus lebih baik dari hari kemarin.
Ini usia 23. Yuk kita rancang hidup kita bersama, supaya kalau kita ketemu lagi, kita akan sama sama bahagia.

Suatu saat kita pergi ke luar negri bareng. Jepang? Korea? :) Ayo kita pesta bujang. Hahahahhaa. Semangat ya buat bankernya! Bekerja penuh semangat supaya apa  yg kita impikan tercapai.

Aku udah ga sabar pengen ketemu kamu.

Happy bday Ayu!

Stay Gorgeous.
Stay Healthy.


Feb 23, 2013

Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 5:42:00 AM 0 komentar
Heloow, back with me nitahakeem in this blog. I was doing so many task from my office then i have no time for doing my hobby like posting some new beauty things, even my head really want to review it all the way!

I am a banker now, i have many beautiful girlfriend around me. Some of them is a glamorous one. The one that i was fascinating named Chacha, she is a girl with the colouring hair. One day in my class, she looks different with a new hair. And i was asking her what color did she use. She said that it was Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. I really addicted when listening. Why? Cause from many things in this world, i wanna try some new in my hair since i was ungraduated. I really wanna try that things.

Then, Chaca bought me to Watson in Lippo Mall Kemang then i foung this Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown with a promo price 60.000! yeyy! the normal price is 100.000 :)

I was really afraid with the result, cause i saw that Diana Rikasari ever used it and it didnt works. I dunno why. Maybe cause the color is not as pigmented on her hair?

It's not vibrant apparently.

Maybe you can do benchmark after this. I will give you some review. Diana Rikasari doing her review with a step by step for using this product. I have no photo product. I just give you the result and review about my satisification.

This is the kind of product Hair Colour Schwarzkopf 

andddd then, i chooseee THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS:

This is the part of this hair colour:

The big point is how to use this product. Do you know that this is BUBBLE technology? Yes, this brand is from Japan. They produce the hair colour which isnt need a comb to blend in your hair, you just like make a foam and do shampo-ing in you hair!

Really easy to use at home by your self. Without bleaching your hair!

:D..................... absolutely for the one who dont wanna spent a money and time in salon for a long time and many rupiahs.

About how to apply, you can see this video:

Then, for knowing about the different result of Cherry Red , and for knowing the product with a high resoluion dpi (i have no SLR) i will give you a link to this blog-> Diana Rikasari Cherry Head

She will give you a step by step doing this with an unique style , but poor that it wont work in her hair :(

For me, the cons is the smell is BAD huh :(
But, yeah, after doing this i got a headache!!
But, uhm, i am still dealing with this part. Maybe i have a sensitive skin ;( I will repost it 3 years later. For many recommendation.

And this is how my hair for default:

Really black and still virgin like a doll 

How black1 and my friend have a royal brown hair color from Pretia Liese.

Then this is the result of Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown:

Same brown as my friend now!! But i am still the lighter. Hahahahahahaha



Hw about you? Considering to buy??
And dear, Uhm, Can you gimme an opinion how i look like at my face??
Do I look Sexy?.Attractive? Or you dont like it cause i look older than my 23 years old? hahhahahahaa

Absolutely if you know i miss my black virgin hair. You just lost anything in your hair when you did coloring absolutely, But you wont feel it uuntil you try. 

This is a dare to be.

One day maybe i will come back to the black one. But until i a, feeling bored with colouring hair.

Gimme your opinion ;D Thankyouuu

Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown.Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown. Review Hair Colour Schwarzkopf Caramel Brown

Jan 2, 2013

Review BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 4:55:00 AM 3 komentar
Hai voila! Todays i wanna review about my new contact lens. I was a contact lens addict, since i am not using for 4 years. I was prefer go outside with my stylish frame glasses. But today, looking around my friends, which is a banker from ODP Mandiri, i choose this haul for perfecting my day, yes, for ruin my day. And all of the element use it.

I was using a+, but now, i am choosing   BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry. I was find it on ITC Kuningan Jakarta. About 3 days ago, i am looking for a contact lenses, then i was asking any optic after the one recommend me this lens. BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry.

BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry

BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry

BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry

The packaging BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry is really cute! isnt it? :p
I have a different minus, so i have to buy 2 pairs of contact lenses BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry. then, the right is 0.5 and the left is 3.25. Poor :(

But it's ok, since you can be undisappointed with this lens, everythings fine.

For the important info is this lens has a water of 60%, diameter is 14.5 cm. It's medium size. Not like an ulzzang lah. Hahaha.

For the tone, i choose chocoberry.
 This is my bare eye before use BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry

Thats really black !

Then this is the look when i use that lenses.

Look georgeous?? Do I look like "Bule"?? Ahahahahahahahhahahahaha

Anyway, this lens BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry is about 75000 / pairs.
For me, it's really affordable. But you know that this lens is medium class, absolutely not apple to apple with fresh kon.

fresh kon have 150/pairs!

And i dunno why, when i use this lens, i feel not to comfy, you know what? my eyes feel really itch. Even it's not being red or irritated. But yeah, i am not comfy wearing this about more than 8 hours. It's not me at all :(

Even i need it.

I have to use a tear drop for lens at many times. I cant calculate it!
It's really not good for me :(

BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry is good enough, but maybe i am too sensitive so i cant feel save using this for a long time. The water is 60% but i feel like 45%.

ANyway the rating of BC Be Seen Berries Contact Lenses 3 Tones Chocoberry is 3/5

have you ever try it??

Leave your comment if you can recommend a better contact lenses. See you at my next post!

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