Dec 31, 2014

Happy New Year, pals!

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 8:27:00 AM 0 komentar

2014. Penutup tahun. Udah di penghujung desember. Balikpapan masih hujan.

Sebuah taun, sebuah kota, dalamnya isi cerita. 

Iya, 2014 adalah tahun terberat saya. Berat.

Januari lalu di saat seseorang merayakan ultah saya yang sempurna, seseorang lain menghancurkan itu dalam waktu 15 menit.

Lalu skrg sudah Januari lagi, mendekati hari dimana saya ada di 25 th.

That was a hard moment, hard breakup, the particular that makes you feel so Numb.

Tuhan kasih saya awal 2014 dengan rasa hati yg hancur lebur berkeping2. Bahwasanya sekeras2nya usaha kita ga selamanya akan berhasil.

Lalu saya baca ini :

Waktu itu saya berusaha bangkit ditengah "renovasi hati"
"saya salah apa sih?" 
"saya kurang apa?"

Orang bilang mungkin waktunya yg gak tepat. Saya bilang bukan. Waktu tidak pernah salah. Tepat tidaknya waktu kita yg tentukan. Saya bilang bahwa saya yg salah membuang waktu utk hal yg dari awal sudah jelas sulit utk disatukan. Saya garis bawahi DARI AWAL.

Di dunia ini banyak org yg berjuang di relationship mereka yg keras, entah beda agama, prinsip, budaya, etc tapi berhasil dg segala cara. Saya mungkin bukan salah satunya.

Mungkin karena saya org yg ingin kepastian, bukan angan-angan. Dan mungkin juga saya ga bisa menunggu lagi.

"Ini gue banyak jodohin orang ampe jadian... nikah... apa kayak kutukan, relationship gue jd complicated?" Ada pikiran begitu disaat org2 yg saya kenalkan satu sama lain menikah di tahun ini.

I was so uncomfort with my self. Sakit hati itu merusak kamu. Klo km ga sembuhin diri sendiri, lelaki yg lalu lalang di 2014 ga akan satupun sanggup.

Enough. Finally memutuskan untuk. "Stop lah. I choose to be happy whatever i must keep it alone."

Lalu di penghujung akhir 2014, mungkin Allah kasih saya hadiah. Penutup manis untuk awal tahun yg kelam. Kadonya mungkin ga sesempurna kisah cinta pada pandangan pertama. Ga sesempurna bayangan seorang lelaki di usia sama dg impian sama spt sebelumnya. 

Allah kasih hal manis untuk sempurnakan hidup saya kembali. Seseorang yg diluar ekspektasi rasa. Yg hanya teman biasa yg saya anggap partner-becandaan-ngawur.

Sebuah kotak pandora. Itu berisi harapan. Tentu kamu berharap setelah kamu sendiri siap menjalani. Saya ketemu kotak pandora saya disaat sudah berdamai dengan hati sendiri.

Seorang perempuan ketika rencananya sudah hancur melebur, dia bisa bangkit. Tapi menata harapannya lagi, mungkin butuh waktu bertahun2. Saya menemukan kotak pandora itu di akhir taun.

Kotak pandoranya mungkin masih rapuh, tapi ia siap utk dikuatkan. Agar harapan makin besar dan berujung pada realita.

Seperti aku pernah bilang, yg sulit bukan memulai, tapi bertahan pada pilihanmu. Bertahan di saat kamu dan dia banyak perbedaan.

Kalau kata orangtua, hal paling sensitif dalam berumah tangga adalah finance, segala sesuatu harus diatur oleh yg bisa dipercaya. Maka carilah pasangan yg bs dipercaya. Yang bahkan tau kamu semuanya, yang bahkan sisi jahatmu nampakpun, ia tetap stay disana.

Thats the real commitment. Yg justru ga bisa dibeli dengan uang atau emas 24 karat.

I choose to be happy, whatever it takes in 2015. For whatever reason to opened my pandora box. You set your goal of life. 

Kotak pandoranya memang belum bisa dibuka. Karena isinya masih misteri. Ujungnya pun masih di depan blm bisa diprediksi. Tapi disitu ada harapan. Sebuah harapan baik yg akan irreplaceable.

Kalau aku bilang, jodoh di tangan Tuhan. Maka kamu ga perlu mendekat ke orang lain, tapi tinggal mendekatlah ke Tuhan kamu utk membuat harapanmu nyata: For choosing my best mate to accompany me whole of life. Terbaik bagi kamu ditentukan Dia. Karena cuma dia yg sbnrnya tau tipe yg akan bertahan dg kamu seperti apa. 

Kalau saya, maunya di dalam kotak pandora saya ada dia. Dia yg sudah Allah sempurnakan utk saya. Yang sudah lepas dari dosa masa lalu. Begitupula sebaliknya.

Meyakini bahwa cinta itu membuat orang menjadi lebih baik lagi, memperbaiki apa yg buruk. Meningkatkan potensi masing kamu. Menjalani suatu hal yg bermanfaat utk ke depan.

Skrg sudah mau ke Januari lagi. Januari yg saya sambut dg hati berbinar krn saya mau melangkah ke satu tahap di kotak pandora saya. Yang saya akan lakukan terbaik yg saya bisa. Dg menggunakan logika saya agar tidak seperti tahun dan tahun yg lalu.

Good bye my saddest year in 2014, Welcome my January 2015 :)

Dec 23, 2014

Review Wardah Longlasting Lipstick no 4

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 4:03:00 PM 0 komentar
I can barely believe that i was miss local product like Wardah cosmetics. I never found the comfy matte lipsticks as same as i comfy this Longlasting lipstick from this brand.

I'll explain, most of matte lipstick is uncomfortable to lips. Whatever chapped, dried, fade out, transfered. Nothing as i can deny it wont transfered, NO. But i sure that this is the most comfy matte lipstick i've ever used.

What i regret is, the variant of color... 

Wardah just giving us limited good color for deciding which to buy. Until i choose to no 4 cause i never has this color in my bucket.

I still wondering, why there is no more cute lipcolor Wardah give for this "Longlasting Lipstick" though they give all beauty variant for "Exclusive Lipstick" which is very moisturizing.

Alright then, i choose no 4 cause this is the most sensual matte i really need. 
1. The color looks sensualy mature for me as a personality (wth i said??)
2. Creamy texture.
Yes!!! can you believe that creamy things which made this lipstick so comfy?? I dont exaggerate. This really comfy. Alright!
3. Not dried cause still has a moisture inside. So dont worry to use this everday.
4. They said longlasting. I said yes! This still transfered to our glass but not as much as the other moisture lips. You could feel the moist texture a bit in a good way.
5. Fade out just a bit. Really a bit. There is still an extract color in your lips after eat or drink.

So how about the color?? First view the swatch.

First line is the one sweep, then other is the second bold sweep.

This is usual my bare lips 

1. My bare face and lips (i do goin to office with no makeup just this lipstick to change my daymood)
2. The real bare lips
3. I use the lipstick just UNDER the lips
4. Closing up my lipstick on the lips. How sensually??

See the differential color indoor and outdoor without filter as usual.

I have never ever use my glasses in my blog review right? hahhahaha so this is the first launch! lol

This is the bonus when i use this lipstick in other friday

Overall, i really into this Wardah if only they produced many many color as exclusive lipstick by Wardah.. please... just please...hihihi

Price so friendly. About 80k and staying power soo adorable things to know.

Oh! I suggest you for watching out when you opened this sleek lipstick. Why?... the creamy texture so vulnerable and easy to break. Mine is separate by two side. Wahahahaha. What a day! T___T

xoxo, nitahakeem

Dec 21, 2014

Review Liptint Dear Darling Neon Orange by Etude House

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 3:25:00 PM 0 komentar
I'd like to introduce my other liptint which has colorful one way sweep. This a moisture lips with gel texture but longlast for everyday use.

So girly packaging for the first i am staring at, like usually Etude product design. I choose the orange one cause many of my liptint was in a pink scent.

Tall design, and you can see that gel moisture inside right?
The aplicator absolutely comfy to use to your lips, no worry :D

I always in love with girly items from Etude House... also all of the BA who always said "Morning princesss... " when you visit the store.

I will come with the color of this liptint to my hand. This pigmentation of gel texture has a good staying power. As i said the first alinea, just for one sweep, the color blending your lips perfectly.

Now come to see the bare face.

i'm starting to apply this liptint from Etude House

the most adorable thing is the important: you just need one sweep to get my looks!! (wtf the third i said this) because i'm so in love with the power first sweep.

the staying power enough good cause the liptint blended to our lips and just has a little fade out for 2 hours later.

 see? this is the evidence about this liptint staying power.

The price about 100k cause i bought online shop.
this is my eveyday stuff and lovin it too much until i need to repurchase all the color for 2 items. LOL

I suggest you not to eat something for about 1 hours, let the moisture seeped to your lips in order to stay last......after all happy end! you could eat with the color still fearless in your lips. Wohoo!

Dec 19, 2014

Review Caring Bookstuff BeautyGuide Vol 6 How To Mingle At New Office

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 7:31:00 AM 0 komentar
I do in love with makeup stuff with the hardcase book like Nyx, Benefit, and UrbanDecay. Then i found the limited edition booklet makeup from our local products. This present by Caring Colors.

This is a mini booklet which is easy travel and go. I choose no 6 from about 6 collection i forgot what kind of them. This is very limited edition, hard to find from the counter in a big city and you know where i finally found? in Jember! yes, the city whom Anang, Vicky Shu, and Dewi Persik


I choose how to mingle cause this is the only combination color of dark and light which is so good for work, not to eyecatching and easy to blend.

i was staring at the review and decided to vol 6 as my sweety makeup travel.

Boomm! Thats the packaging inside! 
a mirror
2 lips red and nude orange
2 eyeshadow of yellow and dark purple
a powder light
a peach blush on

the brush is.... uhm uhm... i'm not that recommend you to use this. Why? especially the brush for blush, sooo rough! dont ever try to make your cheeks being chafed.

Thats all makeup inside... sweetyyy booklet i've ever tell you! hhehehee
I explain this to the pics:

you wanna try the pigmentation? just calm down, roll in to my blog.

the lipcolors, filter and no filter. The left side is L1 and others, L2. I'm not that really into this lipstick, actually the color is good, pigmented, and longlast. But it just ordinary color, ordinary texture, there is no something that make me have a "wow effect" nor the powder blush and shadow.

Pics with filter : 

no filter :

The left is a powder and the right is a peach blush. I really in love with the blush! soo unbelievable nude color blending to my cheeks perfectly!

Then this the eyeshadow color. So creamy  powder and pigmented with the glittering things of yellow eyeshadow. The dark purple is absolutely matte. In love!

Packaging so much well, it closed when we travel at bags. Hardcase and not easily broken. The hardcase made from something like "kertas karton" wtf how do you spell it? lol

Sooo i finished the review things and the looks is continue for Fotd to my office. Let's go!

Powder Effect and The Blush. You see that my bare face into the light powder. It coverages well. The powder textured by foundie. So, i take it to my face as a nature concealer. The left is my face AFTER using powder and blush on the cheeks.

Fotd 1

This original powder and the blush on the cheeks.
First Eyeshadow style combine with the light then the darker

The lips from L1 which the color combination of orange and pinkiesh.

Lets see me in the light and no light. The powderr sooo pigmented and the eyeshadow soo lighter and glowing.

Fotd 2

This original powder and the blush on the cheeks.
Eyeshadow combination with the purple first then the lighter under eyelid.
Lips is from L2 which is originally RED.

Really easy to blend all of the makeup to office by two style *peace*

Fotd 3

Now what i did for my dates!! hahahahahha
All of them is from Caring actually except the eyebrow , eyeliner, and the lips. For lips i use Silky Girl no 20 Playfull, Eyeliner Maybeline Hypergloss Black, and Viva brown eyebrow pencils.

Have a nice dating! xoxo lovely :***

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