Nov 26, 2012

Give Away From Cece MUA Pekanbaru

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 3:19:00 AM 0 komentar
Hello readers! Malem ini cocok banget dah pas lagi buka blog tau tau baca Giveaway punya blogger Indonesia yang udah sering gue ikutin blognya. Beberapa saat lalu Cece ngadain Giveaway Naked Palette, cuma karena lagi ngurusin kerjaan kagak sempet deh FOTD Smokey Eyes gitu. Padahal postingan gue di blog banyak yang smookey eyes ya! hhahahaa

Cece ini setau gue adalah Independent beauty Blogger. Jadi bukan salah satu dari Indonesian Beauty Blogger. Tapi gue suka nih yang model independent gini, soalnya lebih punya karakter. Lagian juga cece ikut suaminya di luar jawa, kalau mau ikut di Jakarta komunitas buat apa. Jadi bolak balik dong yah.

Hari ini ada Giveaway yang buru buru dibuat si cece karena dia masih dalam tahap ikut rcovery pasca hamil cesar. Moga cepet sembuh ce ;__;

Give away ini mampir dulu aja ke blog cece Lovely Lue dijamin suka langsung sama tulisannya. Cuma tinggal jawab pertanyaan aja kok. Yuk mangga atuh mampir.

Cece ini sering amat kasih FOTD , WOTD, apalah selalu pake makeup makeup yang di posting di fb nya. Tiap saat selalu nunggu cece bakal post apa. Terakhir gue demen ama seri kosmetik WILD something yang kayaknya brand luar negri baru masuk Indonesia.

Baru sih ya gue di beuty blogger, paling cuma tau Sephora, Milani, LA color bla bla bla yang biasa carter di instagram. Gue juga ikut giveaway ini karena penasaran pengen kayak Lulu, addict sama Anna Sui. Kayaknya kalo ngelita dia bawaannya pengen cubit. Mukanya mulus suka minum sarang burung wallet.

Should I do the same? ;__;

Oke udahlah ya, terima aja begini mah. hehehee.

nih baca syarat apa unutk ikutin giveaway Cece

Jawab pertanyaan2 berikut di kolom Comment di post ini (dibawah) :
1. Sifat-Sifat apa aja yang kalian tangkap dari Owner blog ini? (dinilai dari sluruh post2 diblog ini)
Mau buruk atau bagus tulis aja smua . Feel Free..
2. Mengapa jadi Follower blog ini?
3. Harapan ke depannya apa untuk blog ini? (Pengen di post soal apa gitu lhoo) 
4. Post di blog kalian mengenai Giveaway Kilat ini.. Contohnya gini aja : Ikutin Giveaway Kilat from LovelyLue yuk ..Caranya gampang langsung aja ke link nya..
Nah gitu aja usa panjang2.

Uda paham? yuk Cuss ke Link yang gue kasih!

Nov 24, 2012

FOTD Tutorial Special Technique Smokey Eyes

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 12:00:00 AM 2 komentar
Today i post many things on my mind. hahahaha. pretty sorry. It just because next week maybe i will be really busy all the day long and i cant post anything for you the reader of blogger.

I love makeup! everybody knows it!

It just like you are playing wiht anykind of color.

This moment i wont let you see my FOTD. But this is my sister friends look. She has no blog. I just pick this makeup from Blackberry. For me, she is not too pretty at all. But she makes the different eith her small eyes to be look bright. And then she introduces me an unique technique bout smokey eyes. Sometimes smokey eyes applied for the bigger eyes. But she just doin that to her small eyes

She says it just about technic.
Here the picture!

The first her made all the eyes covered by eyebase. Why? it just make the color looks real and adorable.
Look at the eyeshadow techique!

-She is using a blue contact lens to make her eyes looking big at all- fufufufuuu...

1. She bold her eyes with a plum pink eyeshadow first. In all the eyelid!
2. She makes a highlight for the top at the eyelids
3. She blend her eyes with the black pure eyeshadow, it's matte black eyeshadow. Dont apply to bold cause it will looks like any black eyeliner -_-
Just being like a warm black.
4. Use a thin eyeliner, make a slick
5. Apply a fake eyelashes with a long-short lasher in all the eye. Sometimes eyelash size too big so we had to cut part of the eye.
6. Use black eyeshadow at the waterline. Just thin black eyeshadow. Not too bold.
7. Use a mascara!

Voila, i just cant explain about the eye. Hahahaha. Why? cause i dunno overall face of her makeup, but i bet that she wear a shading and tint for the nose. LOL.


Lets play with makeup!

Nov 23, 2012

FOTD Makeup Tutorial for Job Interview Part 1

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 9:22:00 PM 0 komentar

Did you ever do job interviews? I've ever!

Average job interview is the last step of the selection Jobseeker search. Over two months ago I used to achieve selection to the interview stage. Couldnt you feel that you passed  many step before a job interview  then final step make you lose the part cause of rival neighborhood?

 It never happened to me ... Alhamdullillah

Actually, when you're on the conditions of phase one of a selection, grooming is unnecessary, especially makeup. Because all selection needs brain, skill, and character in yourself. But be careful dear, it will different when you're in the final interview. Appearance is everything, though it still required you to use your brain.

But if you were there, with rivals which is mind right and looks good, then it's clear who's winning? moreover the company will not increase quotas if he  only took so limited people to fill positions in the company.

from here, the makeup is needed.

If you are female, then the makeup is a necessity that must be displayed when you are on an interview board.

So here will be done tutorials makeup for a job interview!

let's see!

The primary key in a job interview is:
1. The face is clean and matte. A.k.a ​​is not shinny oily sheen or anything that is disturbing the eyes.

2. Sharp eyes to show that you are interested in the job. Smart brain will be useless if you can not convey the aspirations through the eyes.

3. The lips are unsightly. Not taughting you to be sexy, but lips have rules for unsightly, so it can be arranged neatly and speech patterns.

Well these three things are the main points of what you should do, then we will show how to apply

The first is as I mentioned above is making ​​matte look on your face and remove all the black stain. Here, although the interviews were conducted during the day I did not wear bb cream because some BB cream contains moisturizers and day to make facial sweating. So I use a moisturizer and acne from doctors plus the foundation belonging Wardah (here the review), exactly Foundation cream which I think it was worth about 40k. The result is a matte finish, as good as the foundation owned Sariayu ... Some beauty bloggers advocate with BB Cream, but I do not know for my face is oily, use a moisturizer foundation will only make acne grow. I experienced it a few times.

Do not forget to use concealer to cover stain on the face. Dark parts such as the nose and the lip line, a line should be concealer because its shadow will make you look black.

Second, the sharp eye sight is very important, do not use the technique smookey eyes, please. hahahaha. Only use one tone or two tone matte eyeshadow to give a sharp effect on your eyes. Apply with a simple and standard. But here I give the important tips that use fake eyelashes eyeliner plus natural!
With this then your eyes will look sharp that the directors who interviewed you will focus on the eye and talk to you with extraordinary interest. Do not use excessive false eyelashes  ; P

i used pink and darkpink eyeshadow

Third, here I use Revlon matte lipstick owned a little bit glossy.

Voila be look like this!

I think the new look that you never try will make you be more proud of yourself , so that later it will increase your confidence Ra!

Do not just read, but practice. lol

see you on the next post,

Important tips: No need to use blush on! Okai??

FOTD Natural Makeup Tutorial for Afternoon Wedding Party

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 8:25:00 PM 0 komentar
I fortgot the day my friend invite me to her wedding party at afternoon. She is in Kalimantan now. She is an entrepreneur. She left Surabaya and follow her husband to work in Kalimantan as a PNS.

She want to married fastly cause she consider that being marriage will make a better miracle to her future.
She is Devi Yanuari at She was Cak dan Ning Surabaya and one of Commitee Hijabee Surabaya. Attractive!

Then, you know that in a building when you just attending an afternoon party, you cant make over your face to be glam like night party. So do I, i was being upset to think what kind of makeup i have to used for.

Surabaya has a bright scenery. The light of sun appears our city really too much too know. It was September. It's not a rainy day. Then, alrite, i found a strategy to make a natural makeup. Just like natural. Not smookey as makeup always. Just be like a human or really simply makeup. This makeup blend with your face when the light disappear in front of you.

See the natural makeup? I am not using concealer as much as i do before, why? cause your face is like a fake when you meet other people in that wedding party. The building is not cold as when you are in a night party. Come on it's Surabaya!
Then i use concealer just to make my panda's eyes not too bad as the real. But just apply a bit to make a natural look.

The first, i am just using a brown eyeshadow. I am using many brown shades from any brand. The first i used is from Etude House with one palete. Just for the outer corner of my eyelid.

Oke, we know that this is an afternoon party, but we have to realize that it is a party exist anyway, so in a party, you have to do is a shinny glitter for makeup. Then i put my makeup palete from MAC. I buy it on www.macprofesionals, . They are trusted online shop from BBM too. This bussines is owned by my aunt. Just for 500k, you get any palete from MAC. It's a haul that usually used in foreign country, caus e in Indonesia, they just sell 4 palette. Yeah, again, regulation.

Did you see a glitter? Yes i used it after i applied the brown eyeshadow to my fully big eyes. I make a shinny look so you can look fresh at the Afternoon Party.

Used the dark brown eyeshadow to your fully eyes and make a winged eyeshadow. I am just tutorial about the winged eyeshadow just like a winged eyeliner. Really easy. Just put your brush rather at the top of your outer eyes. Then use a glitter or highlighter eyeshadow to blend at the top of darkbrown.

Voila this is it! You can see my eyes with the winged darkbrown eyeshadow!

Step two, dont forget to use an eyebrow, i use darkbrown to using MAC eyeliner :p wahahaha... sometimes the output will be really bold as an Arab holic.

Uhm did you find the flash from the sun light is really hot?? Yeah, and my makeup reflected the sun as you can see the pores in a real circle.

Next, cause this is an afternoon party, i am using Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek from Skin food like i have ever review here. It's pretty natural. Not giving you a wow effect in brightly day!

For finishing touch, make a glitter powder to all you face, a bit peach blush on my MAC Pallete, and curly your hair. Face must be shinny all the day, cause at the afternoon, maybe you will produce a lot of sweat. Oh did i mention that for the fist i used a BB cream? yes i am using a bb cream maybelline before i applied the eyeshadow.

Thank for reading, hope you can enjoy any other blog tutorial. see ya!


Nov 20, 2012

Review Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 8:18:00 PM 2 komentar
This Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek make me cannot sleep cause of the Pre Order is so a long time . Just because i am a lipstick addict, i owe you that this product is really interesting me from the first impression i see it. But as a know, from the store in Galaxy Mall Surabaya this haul priced by 110.000 and for PO it is just

Anyway, i love korean product Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek, it's natural... but not plain...... I see that the color is really make our lips fresh... really like k-drama artist. hahaha

Let we see how good Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek works!

You know what, this Skinfood Fresh Fruit Lips and Cheek is really small. Look at to my hand, it's priceless. Hahaha.

I was choosing the Grapefruit  for Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek cause i see that i wanna lips like Orange color, and i found that the Grapefruit is pigmented than any other color.

So, this is the swatch to my BARE lips

First swap, with flash...................................... how nice the color Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek blend to pink even out i bought this cause of orange color.

First swap, without flash...................................... Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek still looks natural anyway

Second swap Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek you can see that the color more pigmented in the second swap to my lips. Still looks pink but yeah i really love the natural looks.

and this Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek for the cheeks............... I bet that you can see the different of one picture by two side my face. The color this Grapefruit blend to be like a shading or a natural blush on, but it's being Orange like i want. But why it's not blend to be orange to my lips? Dunno why... maybe cause i have a pale face... hahahahahaaaa

In the picture, the output Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek is really natural, or you can see just a bit differences, but i can swear you that the real color to your face when you are hang out is really give a good output.

Then pict 1 and 2 is i use this haul Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek

For the conclusion, i loved this product Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip and Cheek. It;s economic and i feel like an artist in K drama. Well done! Skin food being my favorite makeup. This is Korean Brand. Not skinfood from Viva. Hahahahahaa.


See you for the next post

Nov 19, 2012

MAKEOVER BRAND: Review Lip Palette MakeOver Indonesia

Diposkan oleh nitahakeem di 11:01:00 PM 4 komentar
Hai, this is now nitahakeem come with a post bout lipstick. Everyone know that nitahakeem is lipstick addicted. And the most and have to buy is a lip palette. 

I have some lip palette, and each product impressed me even i am not always match with the color. 

Now i wanna review a lip palette which is this brand is from Indonesia. Have you ever hear about MakeOver?
This brand is the top of Wardah Brand. This is a makeup artist from Wardah line. Indonesian brand, but the quality is really adorable internationally!

I would like to review the lips, maybe for some, i will review any product of makeover. I impressed this MakeOver.

The first impresion is a packaging. Look at this. MakeOver Lip Palette

The packaging is born to be profesional. Hey i loved the LOGO. Wow really interpresed about makeup.

MakeOver Lip Palette

We can said that 1. Red , 2. Nude-light pink, 3. Light Nude, 4. Light Brown , 5. Dark Brown
This is what i call about the color, cause MakeOver not telling the name at the back of packaging MakeOver Lip Palette.

Then, i will directly give you a color for first impression in this tissue... so you can see the different of five element MakeOver lip palette

Oh okay this is intermezzo when i swap with my hand. Hahaha...

See the beauty one MakeOver Lip Palette!
You can notice that the color is natural contour. It's a lipstick for DAILY. Cause the element is really much with Nude scent. Except the Red one anyway.

Alrite, this is the swap for the lips! This is my BARE lips, so you can pay attention the different color when i swap to another.

the fist i will show you the 1. RED.................... La, Voila Pretty Good?? Pigmentedd!!! Love Love Love MakeOver Lip Palette

Second is 2. NUDE PINK................... I have to admit that the nude pink is being a dark pink in my dark bare lips ;___:

Third is a 3. LIGHT NUDE........ We can see the pale lips -____________- Feels like i wont use it for everyday makeup, except i use it for blending to another WOW color... haahahaha. Like i have no lips you know. Cause the color is same pale as my FACE --"

Fourth, is a 4. LIGHT BROWN. Uhm, seems pretty with this color for natural occasion. I feel like warm and no offense with people. But for me, it's not adorable. hehehhee

Finally, the 5. DARK BROWN. Look sexy with this color. Oukai, but if we can tell, i see it's more interesting.

Ouh okay dear, i can tell a conclusion....
the color of 1.RED is adorable
the 2 is plain pink, not give me WOW effect
the 3 is light nude which is have to blend in other color for my bad lips
the 4 and 5 is have a same color effect.... I dunno, i am not find a big differently for the color

The scent of MakeOver Lip Palette is GOOD, is not strange my nose.

You know, i love this palete, but if i can say this color is really same with LT PRO LIP Palette number 2. Really same, just the Red of LT Pro is kind of maroon.

For daily makeup, this haul MakeOver Lip Palette is interesting, but not for party addict.

Price: 125.000
Just one serie for lip palette

And i have to tell you the bad things for this haul is the brush. Oh my God the brush really dissapointed. It is not cutting well!

So sorry for the bad pictures, but i hope you know well what i mean.

Okay, the result is if you wanna buy the daily look lipstick, this pallette helps you. This match with any other occasion like you go to campus, go to hang out, romantic date, others.

But not for the party or the SPRING LOOK.

You just go with the Autumn Look.

Okay, just it. Someday, i will give you a review about any other lip palette in other brand <3

Just be waiting!



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